"Leadership is knowing when to ask for help, graciously accepting it, and learning how to offer it." Larysa Slobodian
“Our non-profit staff has been through an inordinate amount of change this past year. We expanded from a team of eleven to a team of seventeen. This may not sound like much but for a small organization this is truly exponential. Early on in this expansion, our long-term beloved Executive Director moved on to a new job. More change! Larysa designed and facilitated a retreat that supported our staff in understanding some of the changes we have been experiencing and how our experiences impact our team and effectiveness. She gave us the opportunity to explore positive communication techniques and also led us through other exercises that helped us deepen our sense of our new team and our potential to grow together through our transition. Larysa is incredibly insightful and an optimist too!”
Interim Executive Director, Community Foundation, Seattle and NW Region
What current and future dilemmas face you and your business right now?
Where do you want to take your company, your team, yourself?
Where could you use some support?
These are the types of questions that face our clients every day. We want to help you make a difference in your work. At L4 Leadership, we work with clients on an individual level, executive level, and team or organizational level. Our services include executive and individual leadership coaching, organizational consulting, strategic planning, team building, facilitation, conflict resolution, company and team retreats, communication development and strategy and as well as work life balance issues. It is our mission to serve clients so that they can reach their potential in a healthy and sustainable way, with measurable results. L4 Leadership works with large corporations, small businesses, non profits, government and individual clients. We provide custom services to our clients that include a variety of consulting services as well as facilitation, custom off site retreat design and delivery, business consulting, change management consulting, team leadership development and coaching, leadership training and individual leadership and executive coaching. Please visit the pages below to learn more about what L4 Leadership has to offer.